eBooks & Audiobooks for Kids
Lydia Taft Pratt Library offers ebooks and downloadable audiobooks from OverDrive to our library user community. These e-materials are provided through the Green Mountain Library Consortium (GMLC) and can be accessed on a computer, smartphone, or tablet.
You will need your library card barcode number and this password: LTPL (all caps).
Please contact Dena at the library if you do not know your library barcode number. She’d love to help you get set up!
802-258-9878 or dummerstonvtlibrary@gmail.com
Laptop or Desktop Computer
Access ebooks and audiobooks through a web browser on your computer at GMLC’s OverDrive.
Password: LTPL
- Once you’re logged in, click on My account
- From the drop-down menu, select Settings
- Under Content Preferences, select Audience(s)
- Click on Juvenile to limit searches to children’s materials.
Smartphone or Tablet
Download the Libby app to access ebooks and audiobooks via a tablet or smartphone.
Password: LTPL
There is no set Kids Mode for Libby, but there are search filters to help you find age-appropriate content:
- In the Libby app, click on the magnifying glass icon.
- Under Catalog Filters, click the icon with three lines.
- Scroll down to Audience.
- Choose Juvenile to limit searches to children’s materials.