Dummerston Library

150 West Street
West Dummerston, VT  05357
802 258-9878

Dena Marger Library Director

Board of Trustees

Lyle Holiday Trustee Chair

Jeanne Bristol Trustee Liaison to the Dummerston Community Center

Phyllis Emery Trustee Vice Chair

David Schottland Trustee Secretary 



The Lydia Taft Pratt Library is seeking a fifth trustee to fill out our board. Library Trustees are responsible for overseeing the wellbeing of the library by making sure that we are working to fulfill our vision and mission [link to vision and mission], and by ensuring the fiscal health of our organization. These are elected positions. Lots of general information about serving as a trustee can be found here and here. The Lydia Taft Pratt Library Board of Trustees meets at the library on the first Thursday of every month at 5:00. Our meetings are open to the public, so you are very welcome to stop by to see what we do. If you think you might be interested in learning more about being a library trustee, please contact Dave Schottland (Info above.) The trustees would love your participation in fostering the vitality of our town’s library.
