Dummerston Library

This policy was unanimously accepted by the Trustees on January 26, 2023

Interlibrary Loan and Lydia Taft Pratt Library

An interlibrary loan is library material, or a copy of it, made available by one library to another. The purpose of interlibrary loan is to obtain materials not available in the Lydia Taft Pratt Library (LTPL), and to loan such items to other libraries requesting them. The LTPL participates in the VT Department of Libraries interlibrary loan program through CLOVER (Collaborative libraries of Vermont).

LTPL Interlibrary Loan Policy

Interlibrary Borrowing


  • Interlibrary Borrowing is a service offered to members of the Lydia Taft Pratt Library community whose library accounts are in good standing. 
  • Materials that can be borrowed include: books in various formats, audio/visual materials (CDs and DVDs) not owned by the library, and photocopied or emailed articles from unowned periodicals. 
  • Each library may limit the scope of materials available to borrow or lend. LTPL neither lends nor requests books published within the past 6 months. 
  • ILL requests are limited to 3 per household at any one time. 
  • Lydia Taft Pratt Library is responsible for returning materials to the lending institution in a timely manner and without undue wear. Patrons who disregard due dates, neglect to pick up requested items, fail to return materials to Lydia Taft Pratt Library, return damaged or incomplete materials, or remove labeling may lose their ILL privileges at the discretion of the Library Director. 
  • LTPL will make contact-free pick up of interlibrary loan materials available by request and only during our open hours.
  • Library users may return Interlibrary Loan materials to our outdoor drop box during hours when our library is not open, although handing them off to staff is preferable.
  • LTPL does not deliver Interlibrary Loan materials to library user’s homes except in the rare instance that the user is homebound due to illness or disability.
  • If materials are lost or damaged while in transit between libraries, it is the responsibility of the borrowing library (i.e. LTPL) to make restitution. 



  • Interlibrary loan requests can be made in person, by email, or by phoning LTPL. 
  • No more than 3 requests per patron per week are permitted



  • Library users are notified when requested materials are in the library by telephone or by e-mail.
  • If the material requested is not available in the Vermont ILL Union Catalog, the requesting user will be notified. 


Borrower Responsibilities

The borrower is responsible for:

  • Returning materials to the borrowing library (i.e. LTPL) on time. Borrowers who are consistently late may lose the privilege of obtaining interlibrary loans.
  • If materials are lost or damaged while in the borrower’s possession, the borrower must reimburse the lending library for any costs to replace the item. This cost may be the full cover price or current replacement cost as determined by the lending library. There may also be an acquisition or processing fee. Payment must be made for materials lost or damaged while checked out to the library user. LTPL will request a bill from the lending library, and the library user must pay the bill via a check made out to the lending library. If the patron does not make payment to the lending library, LTPL will assume responsibility for payment. The patron will be barred from all library services until the bill is paid.
  • No refunds will be made for lost and paid interlibrary loan materials that are subsequently found.


Loan Period and Renewals

  • Due dates are determined by the lending library.
  • Renewals and extensions are granted at the discretion of the lending library, and may be denied when the items are overdue. Borrowers are responsible for knowing the due dates and requesting a renewal before the item is due. If the patron needs a renewal the patron must call or email the library or come to the library. 
  • Renewals are not automatic or guaranteed. The lending library will be contacted and if they agree to renew, the patron will be informed. If not, the patron must bring in the materials as soon as possible if the item is due.


  • Items are not requested from libraries that charge fees, and fees are not charged to library users for our Interlibrary Loan Services.

Suspension of Borrower Privileges

  • Interlibrary loan service may be suspended for users who abuse the privilege in any of the manners described above, at the discretion of the Library Director.

Interlibrary Lending

  • LTPL provides interlibrary loans to all libraries having the same conditions of service stated above.

Loan period

  • All items are lent for four (4) weeks. 

Borrowing library’s responsibilities

The borrowing library:

  • Must submit requests in accordance with the conditions of service stated above.
  • Is responsible for materials lent. No fines will be charged for overdue materials, but the borrowing library will be billed for lost or damaged materials.