Dummerston Library

150 West Street
West Dummerston, VT  05357
802 258-9878

Lydia Taft Pratt Library offers ebooks and downloadable audiobooks from OverDrive to our library user community. These e-materials are provided through the Green Mountain Library Consortium (GMLC). You can access these materials through a web browser on your laptop or desktop computer. You can also download the Libby App to access the materials via a tablet or smartphone. You will need your library barcode number, and you will also need this password: LTPL (all caps). Please contact Dena at the library if you do not know your library barcode number: 802-258-9878 or dummerstonvtlibrary@gmail.com. If you need assistance working all this out, please call Dena. I’d love to help you get set u!